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Haemorrhoid Formula is a homoeopathic remedy that assists in the treatment of haemorrhoids.

Dosage Adults and children over 12 years:

For symptomatic relief during the premenstrual stage (luteal phase) and menstrual period: Take 10 drops on the tongue every hour in acute cases, reduce dosage to 4 times daily as improvement occurs and discontinue use when recovery is complete.

To assist with regulating the menstrual cycle:
Take 10 drops on the tongue twice daily for 3 menstrual cycles or 90 days.


IngredientHomeopathic Clinical Indication*
Aristolochia clematis D30 (Birthwort)Health is generally worse before and just after menstruation and improves once the period starts. Depressive symptoms which improve after menstruation begins. Adverse reactions to the oral contraceptive pill. Periods are absent, too short or too late (black blood and clotted). Breasts are hard, tender and painful before periods. Heaviness in the legs and insomnia before the period starts.
Cimicifuga racemosa D6 (Black Cohosh)Health is generally worse before and during menstruation with irritability, sadness, and hysterical symptoms, (also worse in menopause and post-natal period). Sadness, depression and insomnia. Heavy and painful periods with uterine cramps and pain during periods, labour like pains with low back pain and pain extending down the thighs. Periods are early and heavy with dark and coagulated blood.
Cyclamen europaeum D6 (Cyclamen)Health is generally worse before menstruation and better afterwards. Sadness which improves when the period starts. Extreme tiredness in the mornings. Excessive, early, dark or irregular periods but also indicated for amenorrhoea. Menstrual problems during puberty with acne.
Hydrastis canadensis D6 (Goldenseal)Angry disposition. Forgetful and weak memory. Metrorrhagia from fibroids or after intercourse. Heavy periods. Excessive mucous discharge after periods.
Lachesis mutus D10 (Bushmaster)General health improves (relief) when the period starts and is significantly worse premenstrually. Quarrelsome, sharp tongued, opinionated, jealous and loquacious, suspicious. Sleeplessness and insomnia. Periods very light and too short.
Potentilla anserina D1 (Silverweed)A remedy with astringent properties to moderate excessive, heavy bleeding during menstruation. Specific tonic action on the uterine muscles responsible for menstrual pain.
Pulsatilla D6 (Pasque flower)Emotional, weepy, sensitive and tearful around menstruation with mood swings. General health is worse around puberty in females. Periods are painful, dark, late [at puberty], light and/or irregular. Diarrhoea during or after periods. Tiredness and back pain during periods. Unexplained amenorrhoea.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Results may vary.

Menstruation Formula

SKU: 0006007650001306
    Alkaline Water 500ml x 12
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