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Concentration Formula is a homoeopathic remedy which assists the treatment of poor concentration and may support concentration in hyperactive individuals.

Dosage: 10 Drops on the tongue 4 times daily for long term use.

This product contains medicinal alcohol which will evaporate once added to a little lukewarm water.

Ingredients: Veratrum album D6, Vinca minor, Anacardium D6, Zincum metallicum D12, Staphisagria D6, Vanilla planifolia D12, Hellebonirus niger D6, Avena sativa, Ginkgo biloba D3, Asarum europaeum D6.

Alcohol content: 55% v/v.

This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Results may vary.

Concentration Formula

SKU: 0006007650001238
    Alkaline Water 500ml x 12
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